Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Meaning of Ennui

Before assaulting everyone with a barrage of random art and philosophy, I believe it is pertinent that I provide clarification as to the meaning of the term, ennui. To start, ennui is generally defined as “a feeling of utter weariness and discontent or lack of interest.” Essentially, it is an uncomfortable and unalterable state of persistant boredom. I first encountered the term while reading Nietzsche's Joyful Wisdom. In it, he remarks:
there are rarer men who would rather perish than work without delight in their labour : the fastidious people, difficult to satisfy, whose object is not served by an abundant profit, unless the work itself be the reward of all rewards. Artists and contemplative men of all kinds belong to this rare species of human beings... They all seek toil and trouble in so far as these are associated with pleasure, and they want the severest and hardest labour, if it be necessary... indeed they require much ennui, if their work is to succeed with them. For the thinker and for all inventive spirits ennui is the unpleasant "calm" of the soul which precedes the happy voyage and the dancing breezes ; he must endure it, he must await the effect it has on him.
~Friedrich Nietzsche
The Joyful Wisdom
sec. 42 (81-82)
In this regard, I most certainly agree with his sentiments. As for the actual contents of this blog, expect to see coverage of 50 contemporary artists, my artwork, and the development of my artistic ideas. I will maintain a weekly schedule for the coverage of artists. Everything else will be interjected according to the rate of development.

I hope you all enjoy it!


  1. I love that quote. Good luck in your project!

  2. LIKE.

    I like how our ideas are so similar, even though I kind of jumped on your bandwagon.

  3. So true, and ennui brings about changes in artistic endeavor and scope, projects that one time presented challenges, once overcome, the bar is automatically raised. Our taste for more challenging desires gets triggered...but then there is the possibility of reaching our personal level of limitations of capability...if such thing is real.
